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Annual General Meeting and Spring CE

Our members and supporters are invited to the CSHP NL Branch AGM and CE Event which will take place virtually on Thursday May 19th.  Here are the details:


7:00-8:00 pm: Annual General Meeting 

8:00-9:00 pm: Continuing Education Event: Presented by special guest Dr. Arden Barry from British Columbia!  

                          “Twitter for pharmacists: more than just Covid-19 misinformation” 


Register for the event Zoom Webinar using the following link:

Meeting Registration – Zoom

Members and Supporters who register by Thursday May 12th will receive a food voucher to order food during the event!  

AGM Documents:

Agenda, semi-annual meeting minutes, and branch council and committee reports will be circulated one week prior to the event.  

We hope you can join us!  Big thanks to the education committee for all their hard work in planning this event for us!  See the attached invitation for full event details.