The Board of the CSHP Foundation is seeking applications for:The Board of the CSHP Foundation is seeking applications for:The Board of the CSHP Foundation is seeking applications for:
Pharmacist Trustee
Selection Criteria
- CSHP Member (individuals with a professional degree in pharmacy)
- Demonstrated interest in research and/or education programs that advance the practice of pharmacy and patient care in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings
- No conflict of interest with the work of the Foundation
Pharmacist Trustee Term: 2 years, with the option to renew twice (6 years total)
Pharmacist Trustees are voting members of the Foundation Board. This is your opportunity to become directly involved in the work of the CSHP Foundation.
Are you interested? Information on Board Member responsibilities and an application form are available on the Foundation’s website at cshpfoundation.ca
If you would like more information on position responsibilities and commitments, please contact Kerry Wilbur, Chair, CSHP Foundation, at kerrywilbur.is@gmail.com.
Application Deadline: August 30, 2019