The New Practitioner Award is intended to recognize a new practitioner who exhibits promising leadership, dedication and commitment to practice excellence and professional growth.
This award will be given to a member of CSHP NL Branch who, through their service to patient care, to education or research, to the profession and to the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, is deemed worthy of recognition. This award does not have to be awarded on an annual basis.
Selection Criteria:
- Completed their first pharmacy degree within the last 5 years.
- Has been a member of CSHP for a minimum of 1 year.
- Has shown dedication and commitment to their practice and the profession.
- Has made an exceptional early contribution to pharmacy practice. For example, patient care initiatives; education of healthcare practitioners or the public; publications or presentations; research; participation in CSHP activities.
- Preference will be given to those who have shown some contribution to CSHP.
- Each candidate must be endorsed by at least two CSHP NL Branch members who can provide independent validation of the candidate’s contributions to pharmacy practice and contribution to CSHP.
Awards will be announced and presented at the Semi-Annual meeting of CSHP NL Branch where possible. In the event that presentation is not possible at this time, an alternate time will be chosen to ensure appropriate recognition of the recipient.

New Practitioner Award Past Recipients
2015 | Brittany Churchill (inaugural year) |
2016 | Heather Slaney |
2017 | Nicole MacDonald |
2018 | Megan Gulliver |
2019 | Jennifer Voisey |
2020 | Not Awarded |
2021 | Jenna Haché |
2022 | Catherine Grandy |
2023 | Not Awarded |
2024 | Rachel Mills |